Thyroid Cancer: Alyssa’s Journey

Alyssa may not have seen this life changing event coming, but she definitely seems to have made the best of it. At 33 years old Alyssa Boening was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, causing a distribution of her normal day to day life. After over a year of countless doctor visits, tests, scans, and surgeries, Alyssa shares in our above interview a little bit about what her journey was like.

“Finding out that I had thyroid cancer was of course an initial shock, but ever since then it has changed my life for the better.”

Thyroid cancer is the 5th leading cancers among women. Some of the many symptoms could include: weight gain, lack of energy, depression, pain in the throat or neck, and swollen glands. When thyroid cancer is so far progressed, like Alyssa’s was, the thyroid is most likely not functioning at all. Without a working thyroid hormone levels are completely thrown off track. When thyroid cancer is discovered and treated effectively, most people are happy because they feel so much better.

In Alyssa’s case after her infected thyroid was removed and she was put on the correct medication, she lost 70 pounds and reported her energy levels being better than ever.

Alyssa’s scar right after surgery to remove her whole thyroid.

I had a chance to speak to Registered Nurse, Kelli Genuardi about her experience with thyroid cancer in particular.

“I see people younger and younger, particularly women, coming in with progressed thyroid cancer,” Kelli shared.

“Although it is very treatable when found promptly, it is important for young people to check for lumps,” Kelli stated.

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After Alyssa finished her last treatment and scans her friends threw her a surprise “cancer free” party. The official symbol for thyroid cancer are butterflies, so they put them all over the cake.

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My favorite part about talking to Alyssa about her cancer journey is how happy she is now. She speaks about it almost as if she is happy she got cancer. She is now happier, healthier, and more in control of her life. It goes to show how not having a functioning thyroid can negatively impact many parts of your life.

It is so important to ask your doctor to regularly check your thyroid for lumps or other abnormalities. Be like Alyssa and stay healthy!

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