Social Media Engagement Review: Post or Perish!

When reading back on my expectations for this class with my past research from what feels like so long ago, it really wasn’t too far off. Three of my original predictions were as followed: learning how to distribute content on social media, opening new social media accounts (for business) and learning how to make a post that will be more inclined to be read. This was probably one of my favorite classes so far, which is a big thing for me to say because I have been transparent in the past about my fear of social media. Before this program I was lacking confidence with technology in general, let alone opening all these social media accounts and putting my work and writing out there for anyone to see. Putting hashtags or tagging other account is a sure way for anyone to be able to read what I have to say, or what I find important. That not too long ago was really scary for me. This class gave me more confidence to post in general, but mainly learning how to post effectively. Three things I learned this month while in Social Media Engagement were: learning how to create a Facebook business page, as well as how to post good and engaging Facebook postslearning how to use hashtags to our advantage (mainly on twitter), and how to create and use Reddit for the first time for me. Redditt was something very foreign to me before this class, however I already used it for something unrelated to this program that really helped me! This class is valuable for any future within the Journalism career path because the reality is social media is the best and most effective to reach any audience. Even with the very best writing and content out there, it’s nothing unless people see it. The world sees what we have to say via various social medias. This class prepared us to write good and catching posts and cross link our different social media accounts. Making sure that anyone who happens to see of our posts on one social media, they can easily find all of our content from that one post.  

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