The Genuardi’s Shared Some New Exciting News That Will Surely Change Their Family

One month ago I was lucky enough to be invited into the lives of Joe, Taylor, Beckett and Harper Genuardi. I created an article detailing their unique story through out COVID-19. Beckett received a heart transplant at 3 months old, and while he is now 6 and healthy, the family has had to be in complete isolation due to COVID-19 and the fear of Beckett getting the virus. With him being immune compromised due to his anti-rejection medication, him getting COVID-19 could be life or death. Almost one year ago today the family created a YouTube page in an effort to stay connected to family and friends while in quarantine. That page became much more than originally expected. Now, almost a year later they are still producing daily videos and sharing their lives with the world. This Saturday I was able to meet up with the family outside and while being 6 feet apart. Joe and Taylor had big news to share. They are pregnant again! This makes baby number 3 for Taylor and 7 for Joe! Taylor shared, “We have been wanting this baby for so long, we are so excited to welcome another member into our family. This is a blessing after a very difficult year.” Of course, they announced the news on Valentine’s Day to the rest of the world the only way that made sense: a new video on their growing YouTube page.

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